Sunday, October 12, 2008

Energy Consumption Research Plan: Insulated vs. Un-Insulated H2O Htr

Being that I live in cabin in the next valley from Skaway, without running water, and wood stove and with an electric bill of only $30 dollars a month the "classic" studies of energy consumption and how I could reduce my usage would be difficult for me to gauge. I could find out how much gas I would save if we biked to town but this is not something that is feasible for us to implement. As a result, I have decided to research my current use of an un-insulated water heater. Approximately 3-4 times daily I use my water heater to make Vietnamese drip coffee and other hot drinks while at school. The question I would like to answer is how much energy would I save if I purchased an insulated water heater that would keep water hot for hours instead of having to heat water each time I would like a hot beverage.

The data needed to complete this study is my estimated weekly use of my current method of heating water. In order to do this I shall record the number of minutes the water heater is in use. I would also like to determine what the energy consumption in kilowatts per minute of my particular water heater model. In addition I will record the average amount of hot water I use per day to determine what the optimum water capacity for a new water heater would be. After this data has been compiled I will compare it to the factory specs of an insulated electric water heaters with a water capacity close to my daily hot water consumption.

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